Whether you’re looking for a free checking account or one that earns you interest, discover the benefits of Capitair Bank checking accounts. When you need to bank-on-the-go, all types of checking accounts can be accessed conveniently.
Recommended for your everyday needs. Capitair Checking offers options to avoid the monthly maintenance fee and helps you bank on the go.
Need an everyday account for everyday needs. Want to get, pay, and file your bills in one place with eBills.
No monthly maintenance fee. And the convenience you crave. Student Checking is for people 23 years or younger, it’s a great way to start out.
Are 23 or younger. Want free access to digital banking and educational resources.Don’t want to worry about account balance minimums and monthly fees.
A simple, affordable checking account. Capitair Low Minimums Checking account has a low monthly maintenance fee, low opening deposit, and no minimum balance.
Generally have a lower monthly checking balance. Want digital money management tools. Are interested in free educational resources.
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